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Sticks And Stones

Updated: Sep 4, 2021

"Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones"

But nothing hurts me more than you

Busted red lips, eyes black and blue from every pop and blow you threw

I remember being happy

You were the twinkle in my eye

Now I see stars and that's from the blunt force of your elbow

You got a mean swing. Serena ain't got shit on you!

Experiencing these slaps and beats (by Dre) is like living a pimp and hoe video

You know, I don't want to play this role no mo'

This show, called my life, is rough and raw with scenes of the good, the bad and the ugly and such

This is my final act

I am no longer your punching bag or rag doll

Your "I'm sorry" is no longer a consolation

Finally, I can see an alternate ending and it does not include you

Before taking my last bow, I vow

"Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones"

and my heart may get hurt again, but my spirit will not be broken and I will not lose myself...again


© 2020 D.L. DAVIS

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