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Make Me Say It/I See U

Updated: Sep 4, 2021

It's the way your smile blinds the morning sunrise

It's how the twinkle in your eye outshines the stars in the sky

It's the flapping of your lashes, like pretty wings causing a beautiful butterfly effect

Make Me Say It

I'm short on Air Supply. My

lungs can't hold much but still I give you all in me

Your loving touch lifts me 3 Feet High and Rising

And given a chance, our souls would dance a minuet

on the rings of Saturn and rest in the Arms of Orion

Behind every great man is a greater woman - you are the

Vibranium in my spine: infested my timeline

The weight of the world gets heavy at times I swing at air

like a boy in the hood but you always have my back and for that...

Make Me Say It

I see the active, smoke-filled battlefield

Bullets bouncing off walls, bombs bursting in air

Star-spangled banner burning with hopes and dreams

A war unlike the worlds has ever seen, happening at your core

You try (best you can) to masquerade the carnage with forced conversation

and fake pleasantries but I See You, silently begging for peace and quiet

Eyes cry a Nile just to have time stop...passing you by

I See You

Let me be your Capt'n America

Shield you from chaos and allow you to have a moment...

not to be a wife. A daughter. A sister, best friend nor auntie,

for however long that may be

Just know you can always find refuge here...

with me

© 2020 D.L. DAVIS

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