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Updated: Jul 23, 2022

If I had one wish, I'd wish to go back in time and this time I would not rush into a relationship

I would use that time to become all that I can be and love me for me

I would not take time for granted

I would take advantage of time and spend more time with the seeds I planted so they would grow strong roots, exude an undeniable sense of self and prosper

Time, oh time, where art thou, oh precious time?

You said you would be by my side

I look around, but you're nowhere to be found

Where have you gone, oh unforgiving, time?

In my dreams, I hear you ticking away

I run towards your call, but I can't seem to catch up to you

With bated breath and all my might, I run

I run and run and run and...I'm running,

out of time

© 2016 DL DAVIS

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